
Why You Should Drink Lemon Water | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Why You Should Drink Lemon Water

5 Reasons Why You Should Drink Lemon Water Balances PH levels. Lemons are acidic, but when metabolized they become alkaline.  Alkalies are capable of neutralizing acid and help keep the

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Emotional Eating | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating Emotional eating is defined as consuming large quantities of food in response to feelings instead of hunger.  Usually the food consumed is “comfort” or

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Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving | Timeless Med Spa | South Ogden, UT

Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

Moderation It’s okay to enjoy your favorite holiday foods- just don’t go overboard. When you maintain a healthy lifestyle, having some treats and higher calorie

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