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Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving

Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving | Timeless Med Spa | South Ogden, UT


It’s okay to enjoy your favorite holiday foods- just don’t go overboard. When you maintain a healthy lifestyle, having some treats and higher calorie meals on special occasions isn’t a big deal.

Fill your half your plate with veggies first, then pile one-quarter up with turkey breast, add leave the final quarter for moderate servings of the rest or the remaining starchy sides.

Drink Water

Skip the sugary punches and alcoholic beverages to avoid drinking your calories. Drink plenty of water to help you feel full and better metabolize your meals.

Load up on Veggies

Volunteer to bring the vegetables, so you know how they are prepared. Steam or oven roast fresh green beans or cauliflower, serve a packed veggie tray with Hummus, bake or mash sweet potatoes.

Choose these first and fill half your plate.

Go Easy on the Sugar

Skip canned cranberry sauce! Cranberries are a great source of antioxidants, so go with a fresh, homemade recipe to enjoy. Serve only a ping pong ball size over your turkey.

Go ahead and have a slice of pie. Just cut a skinny serving- about two thumbnails width.

Make Time for Exercise

A lot of communities will have a Turkey Bowl or a Thanksgiving 5k. Find something fun and active to do with your family. If the weather is good, play a game of flag football, go for a hike or a run. Activities like this make great traditions.

While it is tempting to lay down after a big meal, choose to go for a light walk, instead.


It’s a holiday, after all. Enjoy the day and enjoy the good food. If you go a little overboard, don’t beat yourself up. Just be better tomorrow.



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