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Easy, Healthy Snacks | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Easy, Healthy Snacks

A helpful tip for healthy eating is to never go so long without eating that you feel “starved.” If you are feeling ravenous by your

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TimelessProfound_LOGO | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

The Truth About HCG

Truth About HCG Is HCG the new miracle remedy for America’s Obesity Epedemic?  Not according to the American Society of Bariatrics who just issued their

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TimelessProfound_LOGO | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

How Much Protein Does a Body Need?

Consuming high-quality protein is a key part of any  weight-loss or work-out program.  Protein plays an essential role in maintaining, repairing and increasing your lean body

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TimelessProfound_LOGO | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Sleep to Lose Weight

The American Society of Bariatric Physicians has studied the correlation between lack of sleep and weight gain. Studies show that sleep deprivation increases hunger.  One

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What Causes Acne? | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

What Causes Acne?

No one likes having acne, but most of us have it or have had it. Some suffer it as teenagers, some as adults, and some

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TimelessProfound_LOGO | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Motivate Yourself to Exercise

Exercise is one of the single most important contributors to a happy, healthy lifestyle. Exercise improves your perspective, fills your brain with endorphins to induce

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