
5 Sun Protection Tips You Need to Follow

5 Sun Protection Tips You Need to Follow | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

Summer has arrived!

You’re spending more time outside, working in your garden, hiking and biking the local trails, diving into pools, and relaxing at the beach. With all these activities, your skin is more exposed and at greater risk for damage. While the sun is a great source of Vitamin D, it is important to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

You can’t avoid being outside, especially in the summertime, but here are 5 sun protection tips you need to follow:


Take plenty of breaks from the direct sun and head to the shade. Remember that UV rays are strongest during 10AM-4PM, so choose shelter as much as possible during this time. Sit in the shadow of a tree, or bring a beach shade or umbrella. Wide brim hats are also a great way to shade yourself wherever you go.


UV rays are present during ALL seasons and all weather, and can penetrate light colored, thin fabrics and windows. Cloudy days or being in the car is no excuse to not apply sunscreen. Use a daily moisturizer or makeup with SPF already in it. Keep a bottle of sunscreen in your purse, diaper bag or car, so you are never get caught without sun protection.


If you don’t use the right sunscreen, then you won’t get the protection you need. Yes, sunscreen does expire! Check the dates and toss if it’s expired. Choose a broad-spectrum, water-resistant SPF 30 or higher.
**TimeLess Master Estheticians recommend EltaMD, ColorScience and Image Skincare Prevention+


Apply evenly to all exposed skin 15-30 minutes before going outside. Diligently reapply every 2 hours, or after swimming and sweating.


Any change in skin color from sun exposure is a sign of damage. Avoid tanning beds like the plague! If you simply cannot embrace your natural skin tone- fake a tan. Skin cancer is not worth that golden glow. Apply a little bronzer, a self-tanning lotion, or get a spray tan- just be careful not to look orange!

Follow these tips all year long, but especially in the summer months to protect your skin.

Source: skincancer.org

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