10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

10 Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating | South Ogden, UT | Timeless Med Spa

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly

…’Tis also the season to lose control of your health if you aren’t careful!

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but usually not for our waistlines. With all the festivities and yuletide treats, our healthy habits can often get forgotten. Do your body a favor and keep your health in check with a few holiday eating tips.


Our Ten TimeLess Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

  1. Keep a food log – Track your calories and be aware of what you are eating. This will help you stay on track.
  2. Make time for exercise- It doesn’t matter what you choose: get up early for the gym, distress at night with yoga, strap on snowshoes for hiking trails, or hit the slopes.
  3. Don’t skip a meal – Skipping meals regularly will mess up your metabolism and cause other problems. Eat small, healthy meals consistently for a healthy diet routine. If you overeat at one meal, or are attending a party later on, just eat lighter at other meals. Do no skip eating all together.
  4. Don’t over eat – Eat until you feel satisfied, not until you feel stuffed.
  5. Be careful with the drinks – Alcoholic beverages, egg nog, and holiday punches are filled with sugar and unnecessary calories. Choose water and go easy on the drinks.
  6. Moderation – Survey the party buffet on arrival. Decide what you really want to try the most. Fill your plate with healthy choices first, then allow yourself small portions to enjoy and satisfy your cravings.
  7. Take the focus off food – If you are hosting a party, maybe avoid serving so many treats. Make the holiday gatherings about games and being social, rather than on desserts.
  8. Don’t keep treats at home – Practice moderation and indulge in holiday goodies at parties, but don’t keep treat temptations around the house.
  9. Eat plenty of protein – Eating more protein will keep you fuller longer, and less likely to feel hungry and fill yourself with empty calories.
  10. Eat before the party – Fix yourself a high protein, low calorie meal before you go to a holiday party. Since you are already full of a healthy meal, you’ll be less likely to fill up on unhealthy treats.

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